I say,
Good day,
can you believe it?
It's MAY!
Where did the time go so quickly away?
From documentary due day,
it's been a lot of play,
but not all of it happy -
nay -
cuz on Wednesday we had to say,
a goodbye that was heartful,
to Rui from Portugal.
It was a smack in the face,
because in this case,
it reminded me that we're only here
in this place
for a time of great haste...
Goodbye's can't erase,
the taste
of Periquita
and dinner dates.
The night before that had been a treat,
we went to meet,
and eat
At Professor Kate's house,
like we did at the start.
Oh man, my heart,
one last time together
before moving apart.
I ain't be deceivin'
people are leavin'!
But you see, there is reason,
it's the end of school's season,
time's not freezin'
but moving ahead,
in a forward rotation,
cuz today was graduation!
After 4 months of class,
we raised up a glass,
and toasted successes and failures
of tasks,
and cast
our editing stress away at last.
But wait -
that was fast!
So hard to imagine
the school part is done,
but hang on -
For 2 more weeks I'm staying at Skjholdhoj,
it's gonna be RAD boy,
cuz some others are staying,
and we got bike rides and beach ploys,
still to be had,
in Danish spring noise.
on the 11th of June,
a date that is soon,
I'm taking a flight,
to finish this 5-month adventures off right,
It's me and Kristine,
and Marieke and Dave and Robert Lundin,
to see Kristin's family and home,
around Bratislava we'll roam,
like it's only February and time's on our side,
and enjoy the ride.
but at the same time, I sigh,
it will mean more goodbye...
But that is for later...
TONIGHT is a party!
Here in my flat,
to celebrate that,
the semester is done,
what FUN
it was,
us TV guys are rad,
no time to be sad!
Just time to enjoy and say "Skol"
with passion from soul,
and heart,
cuz now,
we're together.
Not apart.
Oh, my god, that was one of most beautiful poems I have ever read! :*